

About Me

Hello! You are on the blog of the airing mortician (or forensics anthropologist, have not quite decided!) and writer.

I am Molly Marie, or my actual surname is Williamson. I am from the UK. I am not the tallest of people! I live with my mother in a small bungalow in a village. I use to live in Basildon, outside a car factory. But that’s over with and thank god! I lived in the lovely London Town (Basildon) till I was sixteen from age nine. I then moved back to th bungalow I had grown up in, within Suffolk.

Throughout my life I have decided I have  wanted to be numerous things. But the one thing that never change, was being  an author. I cannot remember when I decided I wanted to o this but it was a very young age like six or seven. However, at that ag I actually could not read or write. I could not write or read, till I was nine years old. Why? I have severe dyslexia and more recently found out, dyspraxia.

What is dyslexia? According to the NHS website, Dyslexia is a common learning difficultly that can cause problems with reading and writing. It affects up to 1 in10 people with the UK and is a lifelong problem. I found with dyslexia I would mix letters or words around or forget them I still do this, it is a problem. So when reading my oops on here, if they are massive grammatical errors- this is why!

What is dyspraxia? This is a developmental co-ordination disorder. (Damn that took. While to write!). For example, I am very clumsy. I am constantly walking into things and getting massive bruises on my legs or falling over. It also meant during high school (when I was not diagnosed with it), written work was also much more difficult. But somehow despite having dyslexia and dyspraxia, I was still an C to A grad student.

To answer the question: I have been is gnoses with both by a professional!

So with all this, am I at university? Yes! Though not in the sense you are possibly thinking of. I m a student at the Open University. Meaning I do not go to a physical university. Open university is online and is run out of Cambridge. I was studying Classical Studies but I am now studying Forensic psychology. Which is being run out of Oxford an Cambridge.

It has taken a long time for me to realise I welll- no better way to put it Work with dead people! I volunteered last year for a funeral home, to make sure- well I could handle seeing dead people (literally I can now say I see dead people. Hundred points if you get that!) an how I old react. Not that shockingly to me (get into that in a moment) within thirty seconds of my initial, “oh my god, he is  dead.” I was putting a sock on him and then ten minutes alter sewing his mouth shut.

But why was I not hat shocked? When I was eight years old we went to a beach within Suffolk that has a graveyard falling into the sea. Where is this going? I hear you ask. Well, I found a femur bone and part of a jaw with teeth in it. Al human remains I might add! An probably did not guess it. But I took them home and placed them on my bed side table. I was Sherlock before Sherlock was a thing with the skull on the mantel.
Not much has changed. Only this time the skulls are not real (unless you count the bird skull I have) an littered around my room.

Before wanting to be a mortician or whatever (I do not want write the whole forensics word out again. I spell it wrong and my iPad hates me). I wanted to be an actress! I have an A level in performing arts, believe it or not! I know how to act on TV and film as well as on stage. But....I have bad mental heath an the anxiety I feel makes it impossible. And plus the horror stories of women in the business?I am not putting myself in that position.

if you are new, then ou probably do not know this- I am a cosplayer. For those of you, who are not new- this is not a shock. I started cosplaying six years ago. My first cosplay was Jim Moriarty from Sherlock. Which is not a shock- I am obsessed with thatTV show. it has helped me through some shit in my life. My most beloved cosplay it seems is Larten Crepsley from Daren Shan. But problem I cannot cosplay him at the moment well my wig being broke. Like it has fallen apart.

To wrap this up, as I am running out of things to talk about. I also have tattoos. A dark mark from Harry Potter. A Sherlock quote, well more of a Moriarty quote with an apple. And a supernatural quote on my collarbone. I am of course, saving up to get many more!

Well I think I have putas much as I can about myself without being too..selfish? I do not believe that is the word. Bu either way, I hope you enjoy this blog! I will be reviewing books here :) as I love to read! So please enjoy!

-Molly Marie

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