

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Okay- so you lot wanted to see movie/show reviews too! So to start of, why not start with the most horrendous thing? Black fish!

Blackfish - Trailer - YouTube

Black Fish synopsis: The story of Tilikum, a captive killer whale that has taken the lives of several people, underscores problems within the sea-park industry, man's relationship to nature, and how little has been learned about these highly intelligent mammals.  (credit: off google)

To start off: I fucking hate Sea World. I have many emotions and thoughts on this subject. For a start, I had to stop and start this documentary because of how brutal it was and how fucking horrible people are in that industry. I am completely disgusted with the human race and hate being apart of it. 
  So Tilikum is still unfortunately, at sea world and performing. He should not be and should be in the ocean with his pod. But of course, now he cannot be released! So how was Tilikum actually put in captivity? Kidnapping. 
Literally no other word for it. He was kidnapped from his mother and put into Sea Land then was transported to Sea World. 
   Killer Whales are some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet and we as a human race are forcing them to do 'dog tricks'. It is fucking disgusting. This documentary which was made in 2013, talks to former Sea World trainers and how they were basically brain washed into thinking what they did, was normal. That is till people started dying. Mainly the trainers. 
  The documentary is raw and emotional. I literally cannot explain how disgusted I am at that the fact Sea World thinks this is okay! They even tried to get the Sea World to answer questions! But no surprise, they declined. 
  it follows mainly the life of Tilikum the killer whale. It is awful. He was literally abused by Sea World and quite frankly, it no wonder he started to hurt and kill trainers of his. He was kept in a watery cage basically, that was smaller than him. Even to this day he is kept in one now for the most of time, as trainers cannot go near him. Can you imagine being kept in a small box for most of your life and day, only to be let out to bow at audiences? 
I just found out he actually died and I am horrified. He was near 36 when killer whales live to be around 100 or more. this is the article if interested. I was actually searching for petitions to put on the end of this! 
    But back to the documentary, before he died he was kept in a cage basically and would just float because, one it was too small and no one would interact with him. Killer Whales are very social mammals and the fact sea world did this- it is disgusting.  
I really want t ogo on but again- I am getting so angry that fucking humans do this to mammals. 
So...if you want to shut down Sea world, please sign these petitions I found. I will be signing these myself. 


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