Author: Sarah J Maas
Year: 2015
Synopsis: Feyre is a huntress. She thinks nothing of slaughtering a wolf to capture its prey. But, like all mortals, she fears what lingers mercilessly beyond the forest. And she will learn that taking a life of a magical creature comes at a high price...
Imprisoned in an enchanted court in her enemy's kingdom, Feyre is free to roam but forbidden to escape. Her captor's body bears the scars of fighting and his face is always masked. But his piercing state draws her ever closer. As Feyre's feelings for Tamlin begin to burn through every warning she's been told about his kind, an ancient, wicked shadow grows.

Okay so- this is a brilliant book. I cannot wait to read the other three in the series! I have been looking at this book for over a year now and decided to give it a go! I was very glad I did.
First of- I am a lover of fairytales but I am fed up of the usual romance and such. This? Well it has elements of Beauty and The Beast but is...well not really like it! Which is great! I thoroughly enjoyed this.
But lets talk about the characters first!
Nesta- I actually love her character. As it usually the men who are like this. Cold and calculating. I like her character so much because I find in books (mostly fantasy) women are usually softer and 'princess' like. So it was refreshing to see this and the part where she goes to find her sister? That was actually endearing as you think the whole time, she loathes her sister but it is quite clear she doesn't! She just doesn't let others see her emotions as well.
Feyre- I do like her character but I am not someone who usually likes main characters. Don't ask me why- i have no idea! I liked her character in this book as it showed her being completely loyal to her family and willing to risk everything for them. And Sarah also portrayed her as being in a normal 'relationship' with the human boy. (I can;t remember his name alright). Which is great because it is about time we started making female characters having fluid sexuality and not waiting to 'find the right person.'.
Elain- I did love Elain as well i have to admit. It was when she started gardening that i just sort of fell in love with her character. I have to mention the third sister of course. It would be quite wrong to leave her out!
Tamlin- now I don't like him. He annoys me. He is possessive of Feyre and it annoys me to high heaven, as she quite clearly can do without a man and be fine by herself. I don't know- there is something about his character I just do not like and I do not think he is a good fit for Feyre. I will have to read on and see if I like his character anymore but...I highly doubt it.
Lucien is my favourite. Its his sarcastic comments! If you put a female or male who is sarcastic in a book- I am bound to love them. And how he dresses? He is so cool. I feel so bad for him however, about the court he left and the person he fell in love with. I honestly, feel so bad for him and just want to give him a hug.
Now onto the plot- the plot was very good. I was liking the hole mystery around 'the woman' and quite frankly, she has an awesome name as well! I feel in books or series, not enough women are the villain of the books. So it is really refreshing to see this. it also did not start like the typical Beauty and the beast, which I found was great as well. As I am so fed up of that particular story line. And the fact feyre could barely read? Shows depth of a character and how actual real people struggle with reading. (Me included). I like how Sarah adds struggles to her characters, it just makes them feel so much more real and add to the plot within the series.
I am also loving the different courts. How it is not just seelie court or unseelie. It is how they correspond to the different seasons. I find that really lovely and cannot wait to read more about these different courts!
The writing style as well- is fantastic and it is very well put together. I love her the words flow together and to me there isn't one word out of place.
I highly recommend reading this book!
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